Lectures / Talks
Genealogy Ireland offers an extensive range of Lectures/Talks on all aspects of Irish genealogy. We offer Lectures/Talks, which we have previously delivered, or we can create any Lecture/Talk to the customers’ requirements. Our current Lectures/Talks include:
- Tracing your Armagh/Dublin/Kerry/etc ancestors.
- Genealogy for beginners.
- The Idiot’s guide to Irish genealogy.
- The Irish Diaspora.
- History from Headstones.
- Emigration to America.
- Emigration to Canada.
- Emigration to Australia.
- Researching Ulster-Scots ancestors 1600-1900.
- Searching Civil Records: births, deaths and marriages 1845-2005.
- Irish Census Records.
- Fire in the Four Courts.
- Using Irish repositories.
- Using family history centres.
These Lectures/Talks can be tailored to meet the level of requirement of the customer. All Lectures/Talks topics are generally graded in to 4 categories:
- General – Light and informative, easy to follow.
- Beginner – Suitable for those with limited knowledge of Irish genealogy and sources.
- Intermediate – A basic knowledge of sources and research methods is required.
- Advanced – Assumption that the customer is knowledgeable on the majority of genealogy sources in Ireland.